Tuesday, September 30, 2008
How Many Calories Do You Need?
Labels: calories, How Many Calories Do You Need?
Monday, September 29, 2008
"One Little Chore at a Time . . . "

Og Mandino
1923-1996, American Motivational Author, Speaker
Friday, September 26, 2008
Helen's Yellow Lap Quilt

Labels: Helen's quilt, quilt, Quilting, Yellow Lap Quilt
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Story of a Sign
Love 'the farm". Thanks for all messgages.
Best wishes,
Meryl Zohrab
Watch this and see if you look at things a little differently for the rest of the day....
This is a beautiful little 5 minute video which has won numerous awards
around the globe. It won the Best Short Film at Cannes Film Festival 2008.
(Thank you so much Meryl for send this along for others to see.)
The Story of a Sign
Here's some additional information that was sent along by a Hodgepodge reader.
Dear Debbie,
WOW! I've just learned that Mexico's Alonso Alvarez Barreda, director of "Historia De Un Letrero", has been accused of plagiarizing a 2006 Spanish prize-winning short short entry in the Notodofilmfest, entitled "Una Limosna, Por Favor" ("Alms, Please"), written and directed by Francisco Cuenca Alcaraz.
Here is a clip of Alcaraz's original short short, "Una Limosna, Por Favor" (only 30 seconds, in Spanish, w/ subtitles): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANWMZT0z_0k&feature=related
And in the following clip, Barreda defends himself in a TV interview against the charge, despite nearly identical similarities between the two films (in Spanish, w/o subtitles): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOpbc17hbZE&feature=related
Finally, here is a parody of Barreda's film, in light of the scandal (in Spanish w/ subtitles): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I37qGLYpKbU
This scandal takes nothing away from the beauty of Barreda's short film, but it's a shame that he did not give credit where credit is due (that is, to Alcaraz).
Labels: Best Short Film, The Story of a Sign
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Making Sure Your Money is FDIC Insured
If you visit the website www.myFDICinsurance.gov you can look at the Tutorials to see more how it actually works.
Thanks to Carol Stone for passing this along and check out her Ways of the World column here on the Farm for these most recent articles and check back with her on updates on this topic.
Monday, September 08, 2008 - The Takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Monday, September 15, 2008 - Wall Street Was Too Busy To Watch Football on Sunday
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 - Facing the Financial Crisis
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 - Prayers during Current Financial Turmoil
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Lotus Flowers and Water Garden
Friday, September 19, 2008

Sculpture of "Misty of Chincoteaque" from the children's book and some scenes from the National Park at Chincoteaque.
Labels: Chincoteaque
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Before You Know It . . .

This is free and even for a $50 upgrade it's much cheaper than Rosetta Stone and a good place to start learning. Find out more at: http://www.byki.com/byki_descr.html
I'm working on my Italian!
(Thanks Helen for telling me about this!)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

By buying a premium design or subscribing to Club Smilebox you can print your keepsakes and do more.
Check it out here at: http://www.smilebox.com/
(Thanks Diane for introducing me to Smilebox and for the cool slideshow you sent me.)
Labels: photo website, smilebox
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Information On Those Unknown Calls
P.S. - For those still worried about a mouse in the house. The area under the door has been filled in where the little fellow appeared and many years ago we put those ultrasonic pest repellents in the outlets and we haven't had a mouse since then. Hopefully no deaf mice will decide to take up residence!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Maggie and the Mouse

Labels: Maggie, Maggie and the Mouse
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Remembering 9-11
Who could guess that from the sky, birds would fall and we would cry?
Ten thousand families torn apart. Wrenching pain in every heart.
Until the hour of terror came, most did not know the madman’s name.
Most went about their daily lives, hugging husbands, kissing wives.
Knowing not that 9-11 would be the day that tears would run.
Day of beauty, crisp and clear. No reason for the world to fear.
No reason for long, sweet goodbyes, or gazing into loved ones eyes.
Just get dressed and off you go, to work, but Oh, how could you know,
This day would seal the fate of all, would witness those two towers fall.
And how could anyone have guessed, that some were doomed and others blessed?
That you would never see again your neighbor, brother, sister, friend?
Day of beauty, crisp and clear. Is it truly seven years?
When in daylight, madmen came, and killed us in Our Father’s name.
They moved amongst us with one goal; to try and crush this country’s soul.
Alas, they could not crush this land. We came together hand in hand.
In our country’s time of need, heroes made, but heroes bleed.
And heroes died that fateful day. Now, in Our Father’s arms they lay.
Day of beauty, crisp and clear. Hold your loved ones ever near.
Give thanks for all that you’ve been given, this amazing land you live in.
Don’t let “I love you” go unspoken. Try to mend each fence that’s broken.
Don’t be frightened for a minute. Speak your pledge with God’s name in it.
America, America, God gave His grace to thee,
And crowned thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.
for being my home.
Copyright ©2002 Carolann Rivera
Labels: 9-11, Day of Beauty
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
Friday, September 05, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Eating to Excel at School
People who eat breakfast are also more likely to:
Develop life-long healthy eating habits
Miss less school
Score higher on tests
Get better grades
Avoid bad moods
Maintain a healthy weight
Your child's breakfast should have whole grains, low-fat protein, and fruit. This combination of foods will keep them feeling full until lunch time without their energy level crashing right in the mid-morning.
Other tips for right before exam time:
Avoid energy bars. - Many are high in fat and sugar.
Stay cool. - Studies show that people perform better on tests at slightly cooler temperatures.
Stay calm. - Use the time to right before the test to relax and clear your mind.
Sleep tight. - Try to get eight to nine hours of sleep a night.
Hydrate. - Have some water before test-time, but don't over-do it.
Eat a smartbreakfast. - Don't eat too much a heavy breakfast will make you tired and use up all your energy.
Be carb savvy. - Go for the good kind of carbs from whole grains or veggies.
Skip the energy drinks. - You could be jittery from the caffeine and then hit a post-sugar slump before the end of your exam.
Skip the donuts. - Some studies suggest that eating foods with trans fats can deteriorate cognitive function.
Rev up! Nothing relieves stress and clears your mind like exercise. So an hour or two before the test, stretch or go for a jog.
To read more about this from the article it was taken from, go to:
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Ocean City - Maryland
Labels: Maryland, Ocean City
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Dumser's Dairyland

Here's the website and it says the history of the place will be posted on there soon.
Labels: Dumser's Dairyland, ice cream, Maryland, Ocean City