Thursday, December 29, 2005
Guess It's About Time For The Kids To Be Writing Those Thank You Notes

Well...I guess it's about that time when you try to sit the kids down and get them to write those thank you notes to Auntie and Uncle, Grandparents and such. I just happened to pull out of my night-table drawer an article I had tucked away from Country Living magazine from 1999! I re-read it and thought this is just the thing for any of you out there trying to get your kids to appreciate what goes into someone's effort in selecting, buying, and sending them a gift. So to that end I offer the following:
Thank You, Uncle Arthur by Faith Andrews Bedford
(Illustration is from the original article)
Wouldn't I love to send this article to my married neice and nephew and their children! But .....
'Twouldn't be a good way to start the New Year - so I will write THEM a thank you note...
ho hummmmm
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