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Debbie Sharp Loeb, teacher by training but full-time mom to a disabled son, craftsperson, bead artist, great cook, creative homemaker & terrific spotter of cool new products for everything under the sun, presents Hodgepodge: recipes, household hints, stories about children, friends & relatives, cool stuff, music, & much more.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blood, Sweat & Takeaways and Blood, Sweat, & T-Shirts

If you haven't heard or seen these two series on Planet Green I highly recommend them.

Most of us don't know where our food comes from or the appalling conditions that many workers endure to produce it cheaply, the long hours and low rates of pay they offer and the damaging effects on the communities and environment where the foods are produced.
In Blood, Sweat and Takeaways, six young fast food junkies will have to work at every stage of the production process.
They'll live and toil alongside the poorly paid workers, carrying out the most grim, physical, bloody tasks, living in appalling conditions and try to survive on their wages.

In Blood, Sweat, & T-Shirts a group of British fashion victims see what it's like to live the life of the Indian factory workers they unknowingly rely on. They undertake various challenges in order to learn the hard way the true cost of their fashion habit experiencing all levels of the industry, including working on the production line churning out hundreds of clothing items per day. As the series develops, they will start to re-evaluate their lives as they learn priceless lessons from their Indian co-workers about life, family values, working as a team, and respect for each other. By the end of the most shocking and extraordinary month of their lives, we'll discover how the experience has changed them and what they have learned about the true cost of cheap fashion.


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