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Hodgepodge from The Geranium Farm

Debbie Sharp Loeb, teacher by training but full-time mom to a disabled son, craftsperson, bead artist, great cook, creative homemaker & terrific spotter of cool new products for everything under the sun, presents Hodgepodge: recipes, household hints, stories about children, friends & relatives, cool stuff, music, & much more.

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

THE One Birthday My Husband Will Never Forget (or When It Rains It Pours!)

This past Tuesday (2/16), was my husband birthday. It started out like any other day. He went to work and I took David to his day program. Sometime after dropping him off I went and got Paul's birthday cake. He picked David up on his way home from work and then went to the gym.
I heard a thud and went running to David's room. He had gone down with a seizure and had apparently hit the back of his head on the table his computer is on. All the blood was on the plastic mat the chair rolls on. (Thank goodness for small favors.) Brian came running in and helped, getting a soft ice pack, cleaning up the blood, and calling Paul at the gym to come home while I attended David. The cut was only about 3/4 of an inch long but it was a bit deep and would require closing. So . . . off to the ER. We got back home from the hospital around 7:30pm. An order for take-out food was called in and I was going out to pick it up. Well, I fell on ice in front of our house. Paul said I screamed out his name over and over in a way I think he'd not ever want to hear again. I don't remember anything about the fall or going to the hospital. I only remember "waking-up" in the hospital and asking what happened. BUT I had never lost conscious he said. I had asked over and over again a hundreds times what had happened to me? It was only just as Paul was finally leaving for the night that I was actually lucid but he didn't believe me as I guess I had only said that every other time . LOL He said he, his sister, and the nurse were laughing so much that the nurse had a hard time sticking me. I evidenced that from the 4 gauze's with tape and one IV I had, although I am a "hard-stick". After he left I called my sister-in-law asking her what happened because I said Paul wouldn't tell me anymore. I also called home and asked if there was a cake in the garage fridge because I thought I had gotten one, and did David fall and go to the ER? I wasn't quite sure if these things had really happened or if I had dreamt them. I still don't remember some of David's trip to the ER or coming home from there.
Wednesday my neighbor Linda came to see me as her husband had caught sight of the ambulance by our house the night before. A bit later Paul came and then my brother. Thursday I had vertigo 3 times. So meds and sleep 3 times so that took up the whole day!!
I came home from the hospital on Friday with my body feeling all "wrenched" and head still feeling a bit "off". My CAT & MRI scans were fine. I did have a concussion. AND it doesn't end there! Later, David fell in the hallway near the kitchen (tripped up)and got a small cut on his forehead. Paul couldn't stand the thought of going back to the ER yet again!!! He used some epi-strips and was able to close the cut. (It has since healed nicely.)


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