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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stop MRSA Now

MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a type of Staph bacteria found on the skin and in the nose that is resistant to antibiotics. More deaths are linked to MRSA infections than AIDS.
There are two types MRSA. One that is associated with hospitals and nursing homes and now a new one which has recently begun to spread in public settings like gyms, locker rooms, households and schools.
People can carry MRSA, not have any symptoms, and can then transmit the bacteria to other people. It can be easily spread through skin-to-skin contact and by touching contaminated items making it very crucial to take measures to help reducing it's spread.

Scrub up - Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 15 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand rub sanitizer.

Wipe it down - Use a disinfecting bleach solution to wipe down and disinfect hard surfaces making sure to use clean cloths to avoid spreading MRSA from one surface to another.
(1 tablespoon of disinfecting bleach diluted in 1 quart of water)

Cover your cuts - Keep any nicks or wounds covered with a clean, dry bandage until healed.

Keep to yourself - Do not share personal items, (like towels or razors) that come into contact with bare skin.

Use a barrier - Keep a towel or clothing between skin and shared equipment.

To read more about it go here:

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