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Hodgepodge from The Geranium Farm

Debbie Sharp Loeb, teacher by training but full-time mom to a disabled son, craftsperson, bead artist, great cook, creative homemaker & terrific spotter of cool new products for everything under the sun, presents Hodgepodge: recipes, household hints, stories about children, friends & relatives, cool stuff, music, & much more.

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Friday, June 06, 2008

Schwan's Home Delivery Foods

Some of you out there may never heard of this company as they only do word-of-mouth advertising. I've know about them for a real long time but have never ordered anything from them. They came to mind again after my mother-in-law was saying it has been harder these days for her to to do shopping and cooking. I thought she might like to order some of their prepared foods. I called them up and got their catalog within a few days.
You can of course order from them online at:
Their toll free # is:1-888-SCHWANS (724-9267)
You can go online (enter your zip code) or call them up to see if they have delivery in your area.
Please share your comments below if you use this company.

Some comments that have come in that were emailed to me:

"We use them all the time. Their food is top quality and everything is guaranteed. They come every other week for us and you can get a small discount if you e-mail your order in advance. However, if you don’t have time to e-mail you can just wait until the salesman arrives, he usually has most everything on the truck. Their ice-cream is wonderful! They also have individual frozen meals that I like to take to work for my lunch. You pay a little more for their products, but I can attest that we have used them for 20 years and they are excellent and there is no waste."
Sandra W. Mauney

"I buy from Schwan's every two weeks. Their food is always good, their vegetables are the best tasting, and their return policy is excellent (if you buy something you find you don't like)." Also from this reader when I said I'm going to place an order when I have some freezer space: "I know what you mean about finding space in the freezer!! Many of the Schwan products come in boxes and I take those out of the boxes and put the wrapped food into the freezer, cut out the directions and put them on the side of the freezer."

Dear Debbie,
"I live in Hot Springs AR. I used Schwanns for years about 20 years ago when I worked a lot and at odd hours. It is super, my husband loved the ice cream. The drivers were always great and reliable. The food was better and better as they branched out to varieties of all kinds." Good idea, thanks Peace Martha

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb, I use Schwan's a lot. Love their frozen vegies,no sugar ice cream, Blue Hake, (fish), Turkey Mignon,and many more items. Love their recipes also.
Aunt Sylvia

9:47 PM  

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