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Hodgepodge from The Geranium Farm

Debbie Sharp Loeb, teacher by training but full-time mom to a disabled son, craftsperson, bead artist, great cook, creative homemaker & terrific spotter of cool new products for everything under the sun, presents Hodgepodge: recipes, household hints, stories about children, friends & relatives, cool stuff, music, & much more.

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Teaching/Learning the Multiplication Table - Revisited

More about the Multiplication Table

A Hodgepodge reader wrote to me with a concern about the posting for teaching/learning the Multiplication Table. She was afraid people wouldn’t go to the link and see the steps, but just print out the Multiplication Chart with the facts. Actually there is a good way to use the chart and here’s how:

#1 Use it to let the child see patterns in the multiples.
#2 Let them use a highlighter marker to highlight the rows and columns as they learn them.
So . . . . . I started with was on the link and expanded upon it.

Each Row and Column is Highlighted only after it is learned.

#1 –The 1’s - Any number multiplied by one is the number itself.
Highlight - Row 1 & Column 1

Skip Counting – It’s sometimes helpful for kids to use their fingers in doing this.
You could even practice this riding in the car.
By doing the skip counting they can learn their 2, 3, 5, & 10 multiple facts.
Patterns - Sometimes there are patterns in the multiples.
Flash cards are most helpful for learning and for the reinforcement of facts. Once they show mastery of a multiple with the flash cards they can highlight the row and column for that number!

#2 – The 2’s - Skip Count by 2’s up to 24.
Highlight – Row 2 & Column 2

#3 – The 10’s - Skip Count by 10’s up to 120.
Highlight – Row 10 & Column 10

#4 – The 5’s - Skip Count by 5’s up to 60.
Highlight – Row 5 & Column 5

#5 – The 3’s - Skip Count by 3’s. A litter harder but you can do it!
Highlight – Row 3 & Column 3

#6 – The 11’s – See the pattern here?
Also the 11 Times for two digit numbers rule. Write the number you are multiplying 11 times with a space in the middle. Then add the two numbers and put that answer in the middle.
So: 11 x 10, 1___0, 1 +0 = 1, so 11 x 10 = 110
11 x 11, 1__1, 1 + 1=2, so 11 x 11 = 121
11 x 12, 1__2, 1 + 2=3, so 11 x 12 = 132
Highlight – Row 11 & Column 11

#7 – The 12’s – By now after what you’ve already highlighted you only have to learn 12 times 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12. Look down the column.
Can you see a pattern?
Highlight – Row 12 & Column 12

#8 – The 9’s – You’ve only got 9 times 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 to learn.
Again look down the column and see the pattern.
Another trick, just if you get stuck, because you really need to memorize the facts.
Hold your hands in front of you with your fingers spread out.
For 9 X 3 bend your third finger down.
You have 2 fingers in front of the bent finger and 7 after the bent finger.
Thus the answer must be 27.
This technique works for the 9 times tables up to 10.
*Another trick for the 9 times table is that every sum up to 9 X 10 adds up to 9. For example: 9 x 3 = 27 and 2 + 7 =9.
Highlight – Row 9 & Column 9

#9 – The 4’s – You’ve only got 4 times 4, 6, 7, and 8 to learn. See a pattern?
Highlight – Row 4 & Column 4

#10 – The 7’s – You’ve only got 7 times 6, 7, and 8 to learn.
Highlight – Row 7 & Column 7

#11 – The 8’s – You’ve only got 8 times 6, and 8 to learn.
Highlight – Row 8 & Column 8

#12 – The 6’s – 6 x 6 and that’s all of it!
Highlight – Row 6 & Column 6

*Sent in by HP Reader Meghan W.
Debbie Sharp Loeb © 2008 – Hodgepodge from the Geranium Farm


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