Thursday, March 09, 2006
Quotation - Leo Buscaglia
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
-Leo Buscaglia
How often do you think about in the day to day exchanges you have, not only with family but also with anyone you may come in contact with, how you may make a difference in their life? Think about kindnesses that have been bestowed upon you, in even the smallest gestures, and how they made you feel at a given time. As you go about your day is there something you can do to make a difference in someone else's? My challenge to you is to try to bring this more to the forefront of your mind, and think about it as you go through your day. Each time you have an interaction with someone is there just a little something you can do? It can be ever so small as just a smile or a nod. Whatever you do, it may be just the thing, that helped brightened that person's day or made a difference in their life.
Copyright © 2006 Deborah Sharp Loeb
(Note: Blogger was doing a check for spam and no posts could go up until it cleared through.)
-Leo Buscaglia
How often do you think about in the day to day exchanges you have, not only with family but also with anyone you may come in contact with, how you may make a difference in their life? Think about kindnesses that have been bestowed upon you, in even the smallest gestures, and how they made you feel at a given time. As you go about your day is there something you can do to make a difference in someone else's? My challenge to you is to try to bring this more to the forefront of your mind, and think about it as you go through your day. Each time you have an interaction with someone is there just a little something you can do? It can be ever so small as just a smile or a nod. Whatever you do, it may be just the thing, that helped brightened that person's day or made a difference in their life.
Copyright © 2006 Deborah Sharp Loeb
(Note: Blogger was doing a check for spam and no posts could go up until it cleared through.)
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