
Thursday, May 08, 2014

8 Things To Remember When Everything Is Going Wrong

"Truth be told, happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them. Imagine all the wondrous things your mind might embrace if it weren’t wrapped so tightly around your struggles. Always look at what you have, instead of what you have lost. Because it’s not what the world takes away from you that counts; it’s what you do with what you have left."
"Here are a few reminders to help motivate you when you need it most:"

 #1. Pain is part of growing.
 #2. Everything in life is temporary.
 #3. Worrying and complaining changes nothing.
 #4. Your scars are symbols of your strength.
 #5. Every little struggle is a step forward.
 #6. Other people’s negativity is not your problem.
 #7. What’s meant to be will eventually, BE.
 #8. The best thing you can do is to keep going.

Those are the highlights. Go to the link to read the details!

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