
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

20 Questions Every Woman Should Ask Herself

Some are big, some are small. Some are hard to consider, others easy. Some we all must answer, and one has no answer. But asking them changes everything.
(These are not just for for women. There are good things here for anyone to think about.)
1. Do I examine my life enough?
2. Do I care too much about what people think?
3. Am I with the right person?
4. What's your deal breaker?
5. What do I really want to do all day?
6. How do I want to be remembered?
7. Do I say yes enough?
8. Do I know how to say no?
9. Am I helpless?
10. Am I helpful?
11. What am I afraid of?
12. Am I paying enough attention to the incredible things around me?
13.  Have I accepted my body?
14. Am I strong enough?
15. Have I forgiven my parents?
16. Do I want children?
17. Does what I wear reflect who I am?
18. What am I missing out on?
19. Do I let myself fail enough?
20. Why are we here?

Go to the link to read the discussions of each question:


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