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Friday, October 28, 2016

7 Signs Your Upper Respiratory Infection is Actually Pneumonia

It's that time of the year again!
 1. A fever reaches 101 degrees or higher, there's a greater chance that URI has developed into pneumonia.
2.  Your heart beating faster than normal. Anything over 100 beats per minute is considered a rapid heart rate. If it persists, seek medical attention.
3.   A tightening of the chest and pain. Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. The pain is a signal that the URI has developed into something more serious.
4. A cough is consistently wet and rattly, this could mean that the URI has turned into pneumonia. If you have a cough that keeps bringing up mucus and doesn’t bring relief, you may have pneumonia.
5. If mucus being produced by your cough is tinged with blood or has a rusty color, this is a potential sign that the discharge is coming from deep in the lungs, which indicates a lower respiratory infection such as pneumonia. Let your doctor know about this change as it may require a different course of treatment.
6.  Chills are a sign of fever and that the body is working overtime to regulate temperature. This is a sign that an upper respiratory infection has developed into pneumonia.
7. If your breathing becomes shallow or labored, you may have pneumonia. This is a serious symptom that may require a nebulizer breathing treatment in order to open the lungs. Consult your physician immediately to avoid further issues from oxygen deprivation such as lightheadedness, blood flow issues, or losing consciousness.

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