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Friday, January 02, 2015

5 Facts About Life I've Realized This Year by Mo Seetubtim

 Here are the headlines but you need to go to the link and read it in full.

 1. Life is about trial and error.  So take risks.... because it's not a big deal if you fail. It's just another error. You can try again.

 2. Life has its own flow. Life has its own pace. You can have it all but not all at once. And if you don't keep your focus right, you might not achieve anything.

 3. Life has its own energy. and when the energy flow is blocked or abused, you feel stressed and lost - you feel like you need control.

 4. Life gets easier when you can manage your emotions better. Everyone was born with the ability to become successful. But on the path to that, the obstacles and challenges everyone has to face are their own emotions. The ability to manage one's emotions and develop self-discipline is what determines whether they will be successful.

 5. Life's end goal is not to find happiness. It all starts with acceptance - the acceptance of self, of circumstances, and of situations.


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