Monday, November 22, 2010
The Soundwagon
Just something fun!
Hodgepodge reader Cindy from St. James Church in Florence, Italy, found this product in a recent issue of Venerdi (Friday), an Italian magazine.

"The picture shows what looks like a toy VW bus sitting on an LP record. It is actually a record player...the bus is equipped with a needle that "plays" the record as it travels around and around the surface of the record, which remains still. It's all in the little bus.(The little box next to the record is another product). The article explains that Lo Stokyo Corporation, which produces it, was not the first one to think up this idea. About 40 years ago another Japanese company, Tamco, made a similar article. The VW comes in red, blue, white and black. The price? $500."
(I found it for $99 on eBay.)
Here's a YouTube video of it:
Here's a YouTube video of it:
Labels: VW Bus Soundwagon
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