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Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's the 60th Anniversary for Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

You can pick up Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF boxes at Toys-R-US or Babies-r-US.

To learn about how it all began go to:

The website also has iPhone apps, games and much more. Check it out at:

Some of Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF's Quotable Notables
"The children, through their schools, were given containers which they carried on their ragamuffin, trick-or-treat tours of their neighborhoods. So, instead of the inevitable Halloween deviltry ... we saw well-behaved children everywhere asking for gifts to help other children throughout the world."
Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt

"UNICEF has caught the imagination of our people—especially our nation's children whose Halloween collections have become a symbol of concern and an expression of tangible aid. I urge all my fellow citizens, young and old, to support UNICEF generously again this year."
Former President John F. Kennedy

"It's the most exciting thing in the world. Kids are very moved by the fact that they can do something to influence a child's life somewhere in the world. It is, I think, a remarkable beginning of people learning to live with each other and learning to help each other."
Entertainer and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Danny Kaye



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