Friday, August 06, 2010
Remember When . . . . ?

I remember paying 35 cents to get into the movies as a kid, a quarter for a slice of pizza, my husband remembers 15 cents, and a Popsicle for a dime, going in a nickle each to share with a friend. I worked at Ohrbach's part-time through college starting at $1.65 an hour.
To see the Federal Minimum Wage Rates, 1955–2009
For: Comparison Of Prices Over 70 Years
(Be sure to checkout the additional links to information in the bottom right-hand corner.)
I remember my father taking me to Shea Stadium to see the New York Mets in 1968 where a box seat cost $3.50. R.T.
*When my wife and I were first married we'd watch for bread to be on sale; then we'd stock up. On sale was 10 cents a loaf! Larry
Email you remembrances to : of a wage you earned and/or what you remember paying for something and I'll post it on Hodgepodge. Put "I remember" in the subject line.
Labels: wages and prices
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