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Hodgepodge from The Geranium Farm

Debbie Sharp Loeb, teacher by training but full-time mom to a disabled son, craftsperson, bead artist, great cook, creative homemaker & terrific spotter of cool new products for everything under the sun, presents Hodgepodge: recipes, household hints, stories about children, friends & relatives, cool stuff, music, & much more.

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

simple crochet

I picked up a new book over the weekend. I actually went in mind (with my 40% off coupon) to Borders expecting to walk out with a new quilting book but nothing caught my interest, so I thought I'd check out the books on crocheting. (I've never gotten the hang of knitting.) Anyway, this book, simple crochet by Erika Knight caught my eye because not only were more unusual yarns used, but because it also made some very different things. There were directions for containers, towel edging, a table runner, placemats, turkisk slippers, a rag rug, textured throw, a beautiful fine filet pillow, a big floor pillow and some other cool items. You can find the book on amazon used for as little as $5.99 or check it out at your local bookstore. Note she has another title right under this listing there on Amazon.

Here's the Amazon link should you like to check it out:

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