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Hodgepodge from The Geranium Farm

Debbie Sharp Loeb, teacher by training but full-time mom to a disabled son, craftsperson, bead artist, great cook, creative homemaker & terrific spotter of cool new products for everything under the sun, presents Hodgepodge: recipes, household hints, stories about children, friends & relatives, cool stuff, music, & much more.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

A Little Pocketbook You Can Make

First, the fabric you want to show on the outside will be the one that is on the inside when you start, that is to say, right sides together.
Your diagonal fold on the bottom will measure approximately 24". Sew your vertical lines equal distance apart at about 8" and 16", stopping about 1/2" from the top.
The right triangles on each end will be opened and lap over the center square.
Hand sew the overlapping triangles to each other to maintain the outside pockets on each side.
The handle can be made with the leftover bias tape. Sew right sides together, turn it right side out with a loop turner and then use the loop turner to pull a piece of edge roping through it. Sew to the inside edges of the bag.

At the link given below are some directions but don't go by the measurements given for the sewing lines.

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