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Hodgepodge from The Geranium Farm

Debbie Sharp Loeb, teacher by training but full-time mom to a disabled son, craftsperson, bead artist, great cook, creative homemaker & terrific spotter of cool new products for everything under the sun, presents Hodgepodge: recipes, household hints, stories about children, friends & relatives, cool stuff, music, & much more.

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Stop Carrying Home All Those Plastic Bags

The red shopping bag is one I purchased at Target.
The blue one is one I made.
Why? Eh - just because I could.
Materials - 18" All Purpose Polyester zipper, 3/4 yard fabric, 1 1/2 yards twill tape for handle*
I'd suggest if you want to try this you get the one from Target to use as your pattern.
Note the piece on the outside is open on the top to form a pocket.
*The extra twill tape that was left over from the handles I put inside, centering it to give the handles something more to be stitched onto than just the fabric.
Now the question is . . .
Who's up for the challenge of getting that zipper stitched in place? LOL
(Hint: It's easiest to stitch the zipper to the pocket first and then re-stitch in place onto the outside.
Hodgepodge reader Jenny sends along this website as a place to buy fair trade eco-friendly bags:


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