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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Family Caregiver Alliance - National Center on Caregiving

This database includes a separate profile for each State and the District of Columbia. Profiles contain the State's background characteristics related to caregiving and aging, as well as information on publicly-funded caregiver support programs. You'll find the updated data in the "Selected State Background Characteristics" sections of the State Profiles. New State-by-State data includes:

- Average Daily Cost for Adult Day Services

- Average Hourly Costs for Home Health Care

- Average Hourly Costs for Personal/ Home Care

In addition, key updates for each State include:

- Number of Family Caregivers and Total Caregiving Hours

- Economic Value of Caregiving

- Average Daily Cost in a Nursing Home

- Average Monthly Cost for Assisted Living

- Number of Home Health Aides in the Workforce

- Median Hourly Wages for Nursing Assistants, Home Health Aides and

- Personal/Home Care Aides

This interactive database, accessible in map format on the FCA website, is a valuable resource to inform State administrators and policymakers about support programs for family caregivers of adults with chronic illnesses or disabilities. It also allows caregivers and service providers to access information they need to seek assistance and benefits for themselves or their clients.

To learn more about the family caregiving landscape in your State, visit FCA's Caregiving Across the States webpage at:


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