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Friday, November 30, 2007

Old Aprons

Barbara got some nice emails about her eMo untitled "Old Aprons" (Nov.27, 2007) that she passed along to me that I’d like to share here.
(The first apron I made was in Junior High Home EC class. It was pink with blue rick-rack. You made your apron so you’d have it to wear for the cooking portion of the class. If you didn’t have it with you had to sit out, and it had better been clean and pressed! - DSL)

"Oh my. I don't know whether to laugh or weep. Oh, I miss them! The carefully pressed rick-rack outlining every edge of bib and skirt. The smooth-polished surfaces of the ones my Grammy had worn half her life already. My mother's special demi: turquoise floral cotton with huge inserts of organdy wouldn't protect anything against a serious gravy spill. The buttoned bib-skirt that was my first sewing project, 7th grade with Mrs. Post -- 92 miles of red double-fold bias tape that would NOT turn corners. (Amazingly, I continued to sew....) And that host of saints in the kitchens of the Church. It was a special set of tutus that they wore.
Oh my dear friend, thank you."
Marcia Devens

"Hmmm. This fancy apron thing must be an American/Northern European thing. My family is Sicilian, and the grandmothers all wore black, all the time. Long black dresses. Black shoes. I too wear black shoes and dresses all the time, but I brighten them up with a colorful jacket or sweater and costume jewelry, my greatest weakness/splurge. I admit it: am to costume jewelry what Imelda Marcos was to shoes. And some of my favorite pieces have come from St. Stephen’s Nutmeg Festival. "
Anita MacDonald

"To this day, I cannot cook ANYTHING in a kitchen without an apron on.
Thanks for this."

"Thank you for the nice apron story! I collect them, and often give them as gifts, and of course, USE them. My collection has gotten too large, so I have sold some on Ebay, to ladies who thank me for the lovely aprons. They are such a fun memory, and practical too. Enjoy!!"


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