Friday, October 12, 2007
Laura's Lions

If I had to pick a day that was truly special, it had to be the morning we entered NgoroNgoro Crater. The light was gorgeous that morning and life was teeming all around us. There was also an opportunity to really observe the animals' behavior. As you know, we had followed a small pride of lions down the shore. As they finished their walk, they burst into some very affectionate, playful activity.

These two shots capture not only two of the lions nuzzling one another, but also the other lioness just rolling on the beach and enjoying the cool wet sand. Of course there are some gorgeous flamingos looking on . . . enjoy!! Laura
Here Laura Heid shares some more pictures from her trip. To see her other photos go to Hodgepodge posting on 9/20/07. Thanks again for sharing Laura.
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