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Hodgepodge from The Geranium Farm

Debbie Sharp Loeb, teacher by training but full-time mom to a disabled son, craftsperson, bead artist, great cook, creative homemaker & terrific spotter of cool new products for everything under the sun, presents Hodgepodge: recipes, household hints, stories about children, friends & relatives, cool stuff, music, & much more.

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Cheep Thrills

Just before I left for the General Convention I put up a hummingbird feeder. The other night Paul and David are sitting on the front porch and I hear Paul yelling. I run to the door and he tells me a hummingbird has been buzzing back and forth to the feeder checking it out, but not feeding. I run back into the house and get my camera. Then we sit and wait. Our neighbors have just come home from the movies and have taken their dog out for a walk. I call to them and Linda joins us for the watch. Sure enough, it's back. Just before it starts to get dark it returns but this time it hangs out for awhile and feeds for at least a minute. We were thrilled. Yeah, I know we're easily entertained.

Some years ago my brother John was visiting friends. He arose before the others and went to the fridge to get some juice to take with his vitamins. He later asked them, "What kind of juice was that in the fridge? It was awfully sweet."
"Oh, that wasn't juice. It was the hummingbird food!"


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