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Hodgepodge from The Geranium Farm

Debbie Sharp Loeb, teacher by training but full-time mom to a disabled son, craftsperson, bead artist, great cook, creative homemaker & terrific spotter of cool new products for everything under the sun, presents Hodgepodge: recipes, household hints, stories about children, friends & relatives, cool stuff, music, & much more.

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Monday, May 01, 2006

Pennies from Heaven

Awhile back I had mentioned to start saving your pennies and Pringle's potato chip cans. Well the day has finally arrived to put them to use. It is with great pride we at the Geranium Farm are launching "my baby" - "Pennies from Heaven" for Episcopal Relief and Development! This is a program designed for kids (and grownups are of course welcome to participate) to save pennies and then choose from the Gifts for Life catalog online at: and pick a gift to donate to ERD with the money they have collected. There are 3 labels you can choose from to download from the farm homepage and printout to wrap around your can. In addition you can print out any of 3 informational pamphlets, with line drawings to go on the back that can be colored, with some choices of pictures for Gifts for Life. (You can even print out full page size of each picture if you wish. The little pamphlets are nice with their own pictures to color for" pew art"!)
Now the other thing we'd like you to do is to write to: the cat and let her know your name, where you're from, and what you've donated. (Please put PFH in the subject line.)
It should be noted on donations that it is from the "Pennies from Heaven" program. In time if this if this goes really big, ERD is going to bring it to their website. So farmers, let's show ERD that our "little seed pennies" can grow into something huge!
Now I'd like to thank some people that have helped make this little idea grow. First to Barbara for believing in it, bringing it to ERD, and helping in its development with ERD enthustastic support. The beautiful artwork is by Dianne Robbins and her friend Rick Uhler helped with some layout and the technical stuff. Matt Gai thanks for getting it up and running to the website, and of course Deacon Joanna and Buddy Stallings support and helping this along.

So watch for the downloads , they're on the way, and in meanwhile keep saving your pennies!

Oh, every time it rains
It rains
Pennies from heaven
Don't you know
Each cloud contains
Pennies from heaven

You'll find your fortune fallin'
All over town
Be sure that your umbrella
Is upside down

Trade them for a package of
Sunshine and flowers
If you want the things you love
You must have showers
So when you hear it thunder
Don't run under a tree
There'll be pennies from heaven
For you and me

- Music and Lyrics by John Burke & Arthur Johnson (1936)


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